Saturday 10 April 2010

Quotes of the Day (Atlas Shrugged edition) (updated)

Vince Cable on Sky:

"I just find it utterly nauseating all these chairmen and chief executives of FTSE companies [are] lecturing us on how we should run the country. I find it a barefaced cheek."

Vince Cable in the Independent:

"We are seeing extraordinary behaviour from the captains of British industry. Some of these businessmen have had massive increases in their remuneration and are paid a hundred times more than their workforce, yet they have signed up to an agenda based on voodoo accounting which they would never dream of employing in their own enterprises."

And so the demonisation of this country's wealth creators begins...
UPDATE: A commenter below says "I think Vince Cable tells it like it is, he has a greater grasp of the economics of this country than all of them put together". Perhaps a few more Vince Cable quotes will put his reputation as an economic 'guru' into perspective:

Vince Cable in October 2008

"It is entirely wrong for the Government to stimulate the economy by yet more public spending"

Vince Cable in February 2009

"We believe the Government stimulus is right and necessary"

In fact Vince is a serial flip-flopper. And you don't need to take my word for that, take a look at the non-partisan Channel 4 FactCheck blog here.


Colin said...

The top company bosses have a valid point. The Government has poured our money down the drain in very large amounts. Gordon Brown the worst man possible to have control of the money. If the blog pundits are to be believed we will still be hurting in 10 years time.

Colin said...

No wealth creators no dole money...........

Anonymous said...

I think Vince Cable tells it like it is, he has a greater grasp of the economics of this country than all of them put together

Anonymous said...

In the absence of govt. intervention, The Uniformity of Profit Principle prohibits 'profiteers' - Cable knows bugger all about economics.