Tuesday 17 January 2012

Isle of Angleski

A reader alerts me to the new Isle of Angleski blog...
"A statement by Comrade Minister Sargeant - Angleski Elections will be delayed until 2013.The Cardiffgrad Capitalists were defeated after last minute support was offered by local Marxist - Comrade Wyn Jones.
The Llangefski Politburo will be controlled by the Glorious Commissioners until further notice."
Redwina Hartski would be proud.


Prometheuswrites said...
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Mochyn Mon Ar Wasgar said...

It's not the Reds under the Bed you've got to worry about, it's the dogs in the Ynys Mon Manger who've brought this situation to where it is now

228FPA said...

Better the devils you don't know than the ones that you do.