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Clive McGregor |
"I wish to inform you that I intend to continue as Leader of the Council until the Annual General Meeting on May, 2011 ... I will not be putting my name forward for a further period as Leader of the authority."
The BBC further reports that Clive McGregor sent the letter in response to members both inside and outside the Alliance seeking to replace him with a new Leader. We will no doubt only have a short wait to discover if this letter will be enough to persuade those county councillors who are dissatisfied with Clive McGregor to wait until May. If they do continue to press for him to stand down right away, the crucial test will be how Elan Closs Stephens and the rest of the Recovery Board will view the takeover and the possible effects it will have on the recovery process. A lot will hang on who the new Leader will be -- if, for instance, they put forward a Labour councillor as the new Leader it will surely be politically difficult for a Labour-led coalition in Cardiff Bay to state that the recovery process has irreparably broken down and send in the Commissioners...
UPDATE Jan 10 14:20: The BBC are reporting that opposition group leaders will meet later today to discuss whether to force a vote of no confidence or not. I understand that this meeting will also include some coalition member group leaders too.
1 – 200 of 204 Newer› Newest»Very Strange.
Yesterday Clive McGregor resigned altogether not just as the Leader but as a Councillor. So what's going on?
hahahahahaha he's been outed. Bout time
'recovery process' - Are you having a laugh what recovery and what process . IoACC will never change until all, or at least the vast majority, of the councillors are changed out for a group that really does have Anglesey interest at heart . No doubt they will all deny this but the state they are in right now speaks volumes – they are all guilty by association – End of !
anon 1959hrs - could'nt agree with you more !
Is this Durkin's doing? if so. Good on yer boy and can we have a statement?
Reading the comments above it seems that the old politics of Ynys Mon are still present, and it's quite pathetic.
The whole Council should've got behind him despite what he's done. What a shame, and I'm sick of it.
Hopefully the next bloke can stay in and stop the commissioners having their day!.
So which fresh face for new leader?
Bob Parry, John Chorlton, Hevin Thomas????
20.40 the third name gives away something about you!
It all looks to me that the thugman came to the island to disrupt. Got himself elected. Stirred the pot continuously. created hate and havoc. slid aside. I wonder who paid him? and how much? most important what do his paymasters home to gain? started out in a casual job. then a tenant, then a big developer. very very suspicious don't you think?
It is my understanding that Cllr Clive McGregor having been confronted by the other Group Leaders yesterday regarding his conduct, resigned from office altogether.
We are all aware the Minister Carl Sergeant AM, has made it clear on a number of occasions that, "Neither he, the Recovery Board or his Officials had any part in negotiating the new Alliance or it's "Terms of Engagement", and that he is "Determined not to enter into Local Politics or take sides"
However, in a letter from Cllr McGregor to Cllr Goronwy Parry, copied to all Councillors, Cllr McGregor said:
"Your own conduct in encouraging Barrie to continue his personal agenda and the actions of .. and .... in supporting ..... for the vice-chair of Economic Development Scrutiny, against the agreement of the group leaders, and the EXPLICIT INSTRUCTIONS OF THE MINISTER, undermined the recovery and brought the Council to the brink of a much longer and deeper intervention". A total contradiction of the Ministers public statement.
So I, on behalf of my Constituents wish to know. Who's not telling the truth? Is it the Minister or Cllr McGregor. I know where I'd put my money.
So I formally ask again. Which one is telling Lies? Is it the Minister or Cllr McGregor, which ever it is, he should resign forthwith.
This example goes right to the very heart of how, in part, Anglesey County Council is being run, on lies, deception and bully boy tactic's. Is it little wonder that the People of Anglesey have little or no trust in their Councillors or the Authority?
you? Bullied? I don't believe it
A Well Informed Insider-(Not an Elected Member)now says- Has the Alliance collapsed then ?? Are the Terms of Engagement finished ??-4 Members of the Alliance (whom happen to be on McGreggors Executive) have signed a petition of a Vote of No Confidence in him-as per the Terms of Engagement will he now sack them ?? Para 7 of the Tems of Engagement -Any Member of these Groups comprising the Alliance who fails to publicly support these undertakings,OR UNDERMINES the Leader of their Group in discharging these undertakings,shall be disciplined collectively by the Group Leaders Alliance ..OOO I hope that I get an invitation to the Hanging..must get my knitting ready !!
So the New Leader could be anyone of the other 39 Members--Now Let's Take Bets--see you at Betfreds in Llangefni tomorrow morning-I know who my money is on,and I never lose a bet...I also bet he/she will be in place long before May--move aside Clive..!!
Just been watching Fawlty Towers-thought for a while that I was at IOACC-Basil Fawlty Bowles and Manuel Magregor......Side Splitting Comedy....But could'nt face a repeat ..!!
At last some good news for the residents of Anglesey. Now, maybe we will see the begining of a new dawn and a proper recovery.
Now, get rid of the real trouble makers and the officers who have destroyed the reputation of IoACC through their greed and underhanded activities.
voice on the street.
I wasn't just referring to myself, but your half right.
Many of my fellow Cllrs are constantly under threat of, do as you are told or else, that why we are rebelling and no-longer prepared to put up with it, which includes four of the group leaders on the Alliance.
This is by no means all down to Cllr McGregor, David Bowles is the main instigator and trouble maker.
It is my opinion that Cllr McGregor started out with all good intentions, but as soon as David Bowles came he capitulated his cleaning the Council up principles, stabled those of use who supported him in the back and sold us, and the people of Anglesey down the river, preferring to support David Bowles cover-up mentality. The fact he is now trying to hold on till May is ludicrous. He should go now with some dignity before he's forced out by a vote of no confidence.
Cllr Barrie Durkin.
I have heard that councillor Durkin and family are moving away, is that true or a false rumour?
We need a good strong and honest leader who will not allow Officers to rule the roast any longer, else what's the point of having Councillors?
I can only think of one Councillor who would fit that bill but I think he's got more sense than pick up such a poisonous chalice.
Anon at 23:53.
What do you think?
"Now, maybe we will see the begining of a new dawn and a proper recovery."
No, we won't. Considering that no decisions on cuts have yet been made public, the troubles, I fear, are only just beginning.
And the Assembly say the McGregor affair is "a matter for the Concil". Not for much longer, me thinks.
Anglesey should hold an immediate Election !
The only way to be rid of this growing cancer is to go to the People.....let US decide the future of this Council.
There are certain people who aspire to the Leadership...some who are capable...some with ambition more than their ability....some who can't keep awake during meetings...some who stutter to gain time to think....some who wear pinstripes to camouflage their emptiness....my money is on the little painter....he's got the numbers ?
Counc. Durkin moving away ?...wishful thinking ? away where ?....I thought he was already away, over the water ?
News this morning
David Bowles has said he's had enough and going? Doing what he did in Lincolnshire, F..K the council up and moved on with his illicit pay packets.
Good riddance.
"Is this Durkin's doing? if so. Good on yer boy and can we have a statement?"
This Anon is obviously as deluded as those Greenham Common Wimmin and associated leftie crackpots who thought it was THEY who got rid of the cruise missiles.
11.21 Forget it old chap !
Anyone who succeeds in working the system lawfully to get planning permission should be congratulated !
Sour grapes ?
BD said
"Minister Carl Sergeant AM"
Althought BD is (rightly)courteous and meticulous in giving everyone their proper title it never ceases to amuse me seeing this mans name linked to such high posts.
Brings a smile to my day. Thank you Bazzer.
David Bowles "will leave with his reputation in tatter"
At last, the routing out of wrongdoers can begin in ernest.
Well done Cllr Durkin and those Cllrs who backed you, for your persistance in this matter.
You should all be "named and famed"
11.49 What utter nonsense and delusion.
DB when he leaves will be strengthened as an administrative troubleshooter, and his bank balance will reflect it.
Good on you Bowles.
Anon 11.49
"Well done Cllr Durkin and those Cllrs who backed you, for your persistance in this matter.
You should all be "named and famed" "
Tell me Anon 11.49, how long did you spend at Greenham Common?
If Clive McGregor even tries to hold on to power after this week end, never mind till May, it will cause (Knackery) Anarchy.
Does he not realise the damage he and Bowles have done by acting like Fascist Dictators, running rough shod over everyone with their abusive behaviour and culture of lies?
Today we see a council in tatters without proper governance lead by liars and crooks. Time the Assembly moved in lock stock and barrel.
12.13 Its a choice of -
(1) DB/CMcG running the show robustly and constructively towards Recovery (and yes, quite rightly riding roughshod over the Obstructives !)....
or (2) taking the retrograde step of returning to anarchy, poison, back-stabbing, corruption and vendettas of the past...and we know who they are and what we mean.
No contest.
Despite the carping by a few commenters here, Clive McGregor has been a good Leader. He is intelligent and likeable but had the misfortune to become Leader when he did. He would have made a great 'peacetime' leader, but has tried his best to take the council in the right direction under very difficult circumstances. To be Leader under a WAG appointed chief exec and recovery board has meant walking a tightrope, every councillor would have found it difficult. Clive deserves a lot of praise and recognition for what he has done.
12.48 Hear, Hear !!
Brawd o Amlwch.
Making an anon comment and then answering it yourself only shows you to be a minority of one. TUT TUT, you should now better.
12:56. I made the comment at 12.48 not Brawd.
I'm against posting comments...
...and then supporting them myself.
12.48 Hear, Hear !!
Now then, I can't stop laughing as it is without you lot cranking the comedy up. One joke at a time please.
ok so who are we going to get now, not much to choose from really is there !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
12.45 I see it as a choiceo of-
(1) DB/CMcG running the show robustly and constructively towards Recovery and when DB leaves returning to anarchy, poison, back-stabbing, corruption and vendettas of the past
(2) Stop the anarchy, poison, back stabbing, corruption and vendettas of the past before running the show robustly and constructively towards Recovery and able to do so when DB leaves.
Covering up the past has not worked.
"..One joke at a time please..."
So is that DB or BD?
Oh, sorry,thought you said joker.
Counc. Bob Parry OBE should be and will be the new Leader.
Clive McGregor has abandoned his ship of fools because he knows IoACC are about to be driven onto the rocks and smashed to pieces by the Ombudsman and PWC.
He can be compared to the Captain of the Titanic who maintained full steam ahead despite having been warned of the dangers ahead.
A weekend fair weather sailor about sums him up.
Barrie Durkin is the man for the job.
He has bigger balls than the rest of them put together, and he does not have an unquenchable thirst for money and power.
Barrie would clean up the Council overnight and flush the corrupt bastards down the bog.
(Voice from The Other Side)
"Today, institutions fundamental to the British system of Government are under attack: the public schools, the house of Lords, the Church of England, the holy institution of Marriage, even our magnificent police force are no longer safe from those who would undermine our society, and it's about time we said 'enough is enough' and saw a return to the traditional British conservative values of:
A free Health Service;
A free Education Service and Equality of Access to Further and Higher Education;
Support for Small Businesses and the Curtailment of Monopolies and Cartels;
Publically owned Utilities and Services;
An end to State Subsidies for Privatised Utilities (like the railways);
The Decentralisation of State Control and Power;
Individual Liberty and Access to Social Justice and Human Rights;
& Politicians with Integrity
(With thanks to The Tom Robinson Band - 'Power in the Darkness' 1978)
And maybe some of the latter for Anglesey too!
15.30 If we want a rough brawler to lead an infantry assault on the enemy, get Durkin.
If we want a suave conciliator to run the Council, get....?
Oh God! I do hope this is all sorted before I land on planet Earth!
"If we want a suave conciliator to run the Council, get....?"
.... Real?!?
Anon 16.05. Great quote from CMcG there and you, of course, was there* to hear it seeing as you put it in as a quote.
I ask though,in all honesty, would an educated man like Clive say
"..my experience of being deviousnes."
*making you a councillor?
Anon at 16:14.
No, not a councillor, but I was there.
OK so you were there. You still want us to believe that CMcG would say
"..my experience of being deviousnes."?
No, my spelling mistake if you wish to knit-pick. The word is devious. Deviously adv. with deviousness n.
ok smart arse.
OK. So you concur that you cannot quote accurately.
Makes the rest of your post worthless.Smart Ass.
(nit pick by the way not knit pick)
Sound of trap slamming on One on the Inside.Led in like a lamb
Sound of his argument deflating.
Just like being a councillor this innit. Splitting hairs and picking nits about trivia. Heh
Clive McGregor is a private investigator, which of course, requires an element of stealth.
I furnished this man with enough evidence for him to ring the alarm bells and what did he do? Ignore the evidence and tell another Councillor that I was basically a pain in the arse for sending him the evidence.
I have a good mind to forward the E-Mails I sent him to PWC and the Ombudsman for their consideration before he bails out.
He knowingly jeopardised the Public purse by protecting his officer's and wrongly persecuting Barrie Durkin for bringing legitimate claims of serious wrongdoing to his attention.
There is more than enough evidence to make false accounting stick and that is exactly what will happen this year and Bowles will be in the firing line for playing dumb.
My advice is, don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
Andrew Hughes
18.20 and big man supporters
There has been so much superheated air released over the last six months it is a wonder weare not in space. But actually it gives us no uplift at all. Once again the words of corruption and crime are muted...if there is crime and corruption then that is not a recovery board or assembly matter it is a police matter. We have the big man councillorf claiming to have all the evidence...he even has 'those tapes' probably holding his trousers up! if it was all real the police would have taken action, what have we seen NOTHING! because there is nothing! It is all a megga publicity stunt.
I notice BD did not answer the question someone poised above....is he moving away with his family?
Anon 18.31:
You say, "It is all a megga (sic) publicity stunt".
Now, publicity stunts are usually carried out in order to promote something or other. Could you tell me what is actually being promoted here?
(BTW. I notice that Mr Durkin is not the only complainant to have raised concerns).
"it is a police matter"
So is this - "News of the World phone-hacking row" - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-11195407
Have patience.
(BTW. I notice that Mr Durkin is not the only complainant to have raised concerns).
Is the converse true? Those he opposes are not the only ones to have concerns raised about them?
Is 'raising a concern' the same as having sufficient evidence to prove an allegation?
19:08 said:
"Is 'raising a concern' the same as having sufficient evidence to prove an allegation?"
I guess that depends on who is raising the concerns - me, I wouldn't do so unless I had the evidence ...
You have not got a clue. I have destroyed your audit section and made a mockery of your senior solicitor, based on tangible evidence.
And yes, it is a Police matter, but the local plod are out of their depth when it comes to complex financial fraud.
The evidence is real and the Police will be forced to investigate, not by me, but by someone who does actually have the power to crack the whip.
You can run and hide behind your dodgy auditor's but believe me, they are second rate and will not stand a chance of covering up the truth. They are slimy bastards who are going to lose their jobs for protecting criminals.
Lets not get carried away by being side tracked by those with vested interests.
The point at hand is, Clive McGregor has said he was resigning, not just as the Leader, but as a Councillor as of yesterday Friday. Now that has changed to just resigning as leader in May.
Now we hear from Councillor Durkin, that Clive McGregor has, in a letter to Cllr Goronwy Parry and all councillors made statements that makes the Welsh Assembly Minister for Social Justice & Local Government, Carl Sergeant out to be a liar. If true with the damage it has caused to the council, then Cllr McGregor needs to resign from office tomorrow no if or buts or face the political onslaught to follow.
Oh, oh there's that combination again
"Welsh Assembly Minister for Social Justice & Local Government, Carl Sergeant"
Cheered my evening up no end.
20 03 said
"Lets not get carried away by being side tracked by those with vested interests."
and then proceeds to give a full spleen vested interest packed post.
Can't work out who's the most deluded. Him or Lug (probably same person)
I, as with many others no doubt, know what Carl Sargeant has said about not getting involved with the local politic's or taking sides. However, this revelation by Cllr Durkin is very serious and if true shows that the council is being run on a culture of lies and deception. Therefore I would, if at all possible like to see this letter Cllr Durkin refers to. Can that be arranged?
That way the people of Anglesey could see for themselves what is actually going on in the name of Anglesey County Council's recovery program and to who benefit.
Is Clive Dunn (for good )??-he was a brilliant Comedian as well !!
Should be, 21:09. Should be in more ways than one.
Tonight at the Kremlin.
Councillors are to call for an extra ordinary meeting of the full Council for a vote of no confidence in the Council Leader, Cllr Clive McGregor, having been caught out helping to lead the culture of lies to control and manipulate against the democratic system.
It is understood that there are at least 28 Councillor who have signed a petition up to now for him to go now, including members of the Alliance.
The Alliance is now in tatters and nothing more than a bad memory. Cllr Clive McGregor, is reaping what he sowed, and the Lawyers, they'll have a hay day over the Council's Terms of Engagement.
Surely there can be no alternative now to IoACC being taken over by WAG commissioners, possibly as a prelude to being amalgamated (in the short term at least) in some form with Gwynedd Council.
Having read Carl Seargent's statements and the last Recovery Board report, this would seem to be the obvious step. I'm sure I remember the phrase "last chance saloon" being used recently, (on Wales This Week?), to describe the need for the 'Terms of Engagement' to succeed.
The question to be asked however, is what the implications of this will be for the drawing up of new administrative wards/electoral constituencies given the proposed reorganising of voter numbers for each ward.
In what form will Ynys Mon continue to exist as a political entity and which other constituency will want to be partnered with us?
A bit like asking the pigeons what they think of the cat coming to stay, or maybe that should be the other way round, seeing as what pigeons are nortorious for doing.
(No offence intended to pigeon keepers)
Yes yes this is all very well and good - but what about Dalglish?
Liverpool FC considered digging-up Bill Shankley.
Clive can now concentrate on finding missing pets and carrying out covert operations which involves spying on unfaithfull partners.
LMAO (Laughing my arse off)
Druid have you thought of heading up a petition to 10 Downing Street, essentially to ask that the people of Anglesey are given an opportunity to have a say about what happens next, not least given Promos expectation that the running of IoACC will/could now be taken over by the Commissioners. Surely this is the time that the people of the island be given their say, - according to the principle at the very heart of this coalition's 'localism' agenda.
WAG has a role in this too - it is time to listen to the the collective voice of the people, and take on board what they say.
"... spying on unfaithfull partners" - that would be half of 'the Alliance' then.
should be an election, flush 'em all out!
Outsider 01.18
The people of Anglesey HAVE already had their chance and will have it again at the next CC elections. The trouble is, they would rather believe outsiders than Anglesey regulars. It is so often the case that a stranger attracts more credibility but that is a false perception. Those who know Anglesey best, those who know their competitors best are the better candidates. Letus not pik the 'I've been here five minutes pick me type' because (as we have already seen) once elected they move out.
Anglesey Islander
ANGLESEY is bleeding....and no-one in authority does anything about it.
Mr Durkin makes too much of his influence in this. Those who know what happened know it had very, very little do with him, or with the letter he is talking about.
So why is Cllr Durkin's name in the letter and why has Bowles targeted him to cover it all up?
Anglesey Islander - I'm not for 1 minute suggesting you pick an outsider to represent you. I think it's best you know your Woman/Man really well and can trust them to do the very best that it is possible to do for all those she/he would seek to represent. I am a believer in old-fashioned service and I think both local and global knowledge in today's world is important to have. You also need to be able to learn and listen and put that knowledge to good use. As long as potential candidates set out a very full stall and personal manifesto, and do not spin then that's the best way forward.
Anon at 12:00
Never mind who it's got to do with, the truth is out, McGregor's been caught out lying about Carl Sergeant on one of the most important issue the Council has ever had to deal with, making his position untenable and he should go. Or are we saying that's its OK to have such a manipulating liar leading our council?
Manipulation and economy with the truth (a sort of lying) is a pre-requisite of any politician, but especially anyone in the gutter politics of Anglesey Council.
So are they ALL liars ?
Mr Durkin's assertion of differences between what Mr McGregor has written and what Carl Seargent has stated is an important issue.
Is it possible to get a copy of the letter circulated to councillors posted up on here via 'scribd'? - I'm assuming it's not confidential and 'transparency' was after all one of the key aims of the council in their last 'mission statement'.
It's hard to comment on hearsay.
Every item written here is printed off and read by the powers that run us, I forone would like to add that this man, who resigned was not worth much, his legacy will be the imploding of this Council, and the people will gain control at last. Not withstanding the hope that the WAG will look into and investigate breaches of Human Rights while this mad mullah was in charge, and the effects of his decision in the Planning Permission Genocide against the Welsh People.
Mr Barrie Durkin will know whom I refer to and being a confident and truthful man I trust he will encourage an inquiry into the same.
Druid and the people 1
McGregor and his Philistines 0
Anon. 12:50
Yes, you may be right, but not on an issue where the future of Anglesey County Council depends on it.
What Clive McGregor say's is, contrary to Carl Sargeant's claims and that he is in effect controlling the Council and it's Councillor's, thus exposing that there is a culture of lies and deception being used to run the Council.
In our Democracy, that's totally unacceptable and who so ever not telling the truth, whether it be Carl Sargeant, or Clive McGregor, his position is untenable and he must resign from public office altogether. Now.
15.10 The people will NOT gain any control from this.........at least not until the CC election may 2012.
We should make ourselves ready !
Carl Sargeant has made his and the recovery boards position very clear, It's Clive McGregor who's the real trouble maker and has been all along. Now he's been caught out telling one lie to many, and he must go.
Interesting article in today's Sunday Times...Councils pile on tax by stealth....without looking for internal administrative/salary cuts.
There is a distinct danger that IACC will adopt this dubious tactic after April !
Now lets see, where can this Council make substantial cuts before taxing the People ?
Staff redundancies !
The Planning Dept. can easily lose 2 senior positions, without effect.
Econ. Devt. 2 ?
Highways 2 ? Legal 2 ?
Housing 2 ? Leisure 2 ?
This amounts to quite a saving, without affecting public services.
Several senior people past their best should go, please ?
Just when is this car wreck of a council going to wake up and realise that coving up it's dishonesty and those responsibly does not go hand in hand with recovery.
Sort out those responsibly and recovery will follow without the aid of tin pot over paid cowboys like McGregor and Bowles to contend with.
Mc Gregor tried to bully his way around the Council and has failed, he may con some of the people some of the time, but NOT all of the people, all of the time. His finest hour was when he left, and his terms of hate went with him. We don't want the same old, we want NEW. For the Council to move forward they must NEVER forget their past, and these past insults must be looked at....
I want to meet the Druid, sorry, we all want to meet the Druid to discuss opening the Council to scrutiny and investigation.
Also, I want a bumper sticker with the Druid on it...
@Anonymous said... Liverpool FC considered digging-up Bill Shankley.
9 January 2011 00:56
His cadaver would have been an improvement and to be brutally frank even McGregor would have done a better job than Hodgson.
Demoralised, demonised and destroyed by the Druid and the people, it's incredible what the people can do when they want to be heard.
A challenge to the new leader.
Should I, as new leader ignore the people and the scripts written by the Druid and his followers or should I ask for an anmesty, so that the aggrieved can have their grievances investigated?
Or, should I take a chance and help the people? and if it calls for an inquiry or investigation shall I follow that through?
Maybe, the new leader, whoever she or he may be, should listen to the people,and not ignore them, like McGregor did, and failed.
Maybe, the big guns in Cardiff, should learn to listen to the people too, because, if the deception and lies covered up by McGregor have brought him down, then there should be an Inquiry, into the decision made by him and his Council that have led us to his and this Council's downfall and deceitful behaviour.
Beware your lies and schemes don't catch you out, oh, we see that they did.
We hope that the Planning Permission Experiment carried out by this Council will be investigated especially if he was involved in the cover up.
Prometheus... and all.
The whole disclosure is now on PHOTONIC.
Makes very interesting reading.
Has anyone read photon yet? Another stuffing by the big man.
Is the council now finished or can Durkin with his honest few retrieve what's left before its to late?
As for Bowles and McGregor they are both finished.
Anon 22:37 & Anon 23:14
I have read the two letters posted via scribd on Photonic.
They raise interesting questions.
I have commented and await moderation. If Druid/Paul posts the letters here I will submit the same commentary on here.
However it's not appropriate to so now without a referrable context.
Quite right Prom...
I to have read the letters and more than just raising interesting questions the one from Clive McGregor is quite disturbing and portrays to me who the trouble maker really is.
Did not Clive McGregor write a letter to the previous Managing Director, accusing his Officers of Malfeasance and said until the police were brought in, the public would have no confidence in the council? What happen to that issue? May be we should all see a copy of that letter as it say's a lot on how much Clive McGregor was influencing and encouraging others in his group to follow his quest to clean the council up before he joined up with Mr Bowles and his cover up team.
Hang on. Didn't the Druid say, in response to past Tory policies, that he didn't intend revisiting the past 20 years of politics?
Seems like we have a veritable gaggle of local politicians who think ignoring the past is the way forward.
Barrie Durkin now that name sounds familiar
oh yes maybe it the same person mentioned in the following report:
Yes it is the same Barrie Durkin.
However, what you fail to mention is that the threats to sue came to nothing, as the Leader of Crewe and Nantwich Borough Council mentioned in the article was sanctioned by the Standards committee, for giving out Confidential information which cost the Council 3.5 million pounds in lost revenue over the sale of land, and that investigation was down to Barrie Durkin also.
So if you wish to raise issues make sure you give the full picture and not just half a one.
Bloody typical 09:51. If all you can do is try and attack the messenger with such childish garbage its no wonder the council is so f..k up.
A prime example of how the council got in such a mess.
The same vintage-2003 attack-the-messenger-not-the-message stirring is also over at Photon's blog, though as yet without the entirely appropriate response(s) seen above (perhaps down to Photonic moderation delays?).
It's getting very confusing (for me anyway) trying to keep track of the same discussion with the same players in two different places especially given the different posting delays.
Oh well.
Interesting times.
When is Barrie going to sue, if I recall correctly he has said he was going to sue so many people if lost count, or has that come to nothing also?
Don't let them try and side track the issue. Mr David Bowles and Cllr Clive McGregor are both bang to right. End of.
When is Barrie Going to sue,......
Have you got nothing better to say.
If not, but out. We are looking for intelligent dialogue, not cheep skate snipes.
This matter has little or nothing to do with Barrie Brawler Durkin, don't give him the credit !
An empty vessel, but noisy.
Don't give him the credit!
Clive McGregor's situation needs no credit from anyone, he's done it all himself.
11:52 More illiterate abuse.
I understood that Mr Bowles was appointed by the Welsh Assembly a long time before Mr McGregor put his name forward to be Leader. Surely, any leader then has to work very closely with Mr Bowles in accordance with instructions from the Welsh Assembly. It seems to me that Mr McGregor has been doing just that and trying to work with all these other disruptive councillors, but sadly without success. The legacy presumably will now be that WAG will take over and any new leader will be part of a revised Gwynedd / Ynys Mon Council. Result - we all lost!
How can it be a loss to the people on the street, JO public, tax payer, non-politically influnenced members of our communities, those with nothing to lose by
being "controlled" by Gwynedd and/or the WAG?
If it improves our standard of services or improves the reputation of our dignity as voters, then surely we're winners.
IOACC is about to be no-more. The clique have reached their limits of skull-duggery and shall go down with the ship. Thank Christ for that.
In today's BBC Wales news website there is a report saying that 'opposition leaders are to meet to discuss the 'Council Leader'.
Now although they don't say who 'they' are, I guess they mean leaders of the parties not part of the 'alliance'.
There are not many of them, and one of them is Gareth Winston Roberts - Anglesey Forward (Ind) - God help us.
The other party is the Independent (Original), but they are yet to appoint a leader according to the Council website - And if they cant agree a leader to lead their own group….
Not forgetting those not playing with any gang or 'I've got my ball and I'm going home' set.
As for the next Council leader - a suggestion John Penri Williams?
John Penri who?
It was a long time coming, but McGregors fall from grace will result in the eventual take over and the dismantling of this demonic driven Authority, not one man or woman deserves to represnt us, when they have all failed us.
Without a massive clean up and clear out, there is no future for any new leader or the existing Council, we are all expecting too much from this, the truth is simple, we don't trust them, we don't believe them, we don't want them.
McGregors friends and comrades will be licking their wounds at their own falls from grace, they brought it on themselves to ignore the people, to ignore our voice, to silence our voices of disent and complaints, we won't move on unless we have a clean out, because the system at the present moment, stinks to high heaven.
The man in the shadows, is aware of these problems but he can't move forward, because too many people know of his past dealings, we know he hides untruths and blames others, we are waiting his move, and then we can punish him for his murky past.
That's the point, there is no-one willing or able to come clean as a leader, with their baggage, it's best to keep away. a wise man would, but were not dealing with wise men, were dealing with greedy men.
Anon @12.20, You have a good point. Did anyone ask the people of Anglesey if they want to keep their own Council or merge with another? (any other?). This is the problem of waiting for 2 years till the next due date for Council elections. It may all be over by then and no-one will have consulted the local people. This situation is a complete mess. At least John Prescott did allow voters to make some decisions about regional government structures, and they kicked his ideas into touch. It would seem that there is little prospect of enabling voters to have any say in the take-over and probable/possible demise of IoACC. A disgrace!
Fascinating reading from the Mad House. Perhaps Druid should instigate a sanity test prior to any postings. Out of the previous 126 postings about 10% were relevant. I'm no apologist for the Council but clearly there seems be a huge misapprehension on the Island that all other Council's are excellent.
"a huge misapprehension on the Island that all other Council's are excellent."
If you know of any approaching the standards set by IoACC (other than say Westminster in the Lady Porter era), I'd be very surprised. Please do tell, if you can.
I'm struggling to understand why (e.g.) Private Eye (Rotten Boroughs) haven't covered the IoACC situation much? They've covered plenty of others in the past. Or maybe they have featured IoACC; I don't read the Eye as much as I used to.
Either way, just because other councils are doing the wrong thing and getting away with it doesn't mean it's OK for IoACC to get away with it too. Quite the reverse, if possible; the more that are shamed back onto the straight and narrow, the better. Regardless of who the messenger is.
The Alliance "Terms of Engagement" are no-more
Its understood this afternoon that David Bowles and Clive McGregor's controversial "Terms of Engagement" which have been said to breach the Human Rights Act have been done away with.
This will give much credence to those who have persistently said that it was those "Terms" which have held back recovery.
Will be interesting to see whether this move is just to enable Clive McGregor to stay on till May under the watchful eye of David who-is-it.
"At least John Prescott did allow voters to make some decisions about regional government structures, and they kicked his ideas into touch."
Always a good thing to do with anything that Prescott is involed with,I find.
Anon 11.44 said
"Have you got nothing better to say.
If not, but out. We are looking for intelligent dialogue, not cheep skate snipes."
Translation: If you can't say anything other that Barrie is King then sling your hook.
"If you can't say anything other that Barrie is King then sling your hook."
Whether Barrie is or isn't king is of minor interest in comparison with whether many of the folks in power in Council HQ (both councillors and officers) are (or are not) a bunch of scheming, corrupt, untrustworthy moneygrabbers who have alienated themselves from their constituents for years and who may soon be featuring in a Rebecca TV programme, or a column or three in Private Eye. Or maybe sooner than that somewhere more mainstream, if things continue as they are doing in the last couple of days.
Still, feel free to shoot the messenger, if you think it'll do your cause any good (but I think it might be a bit too late for your miracle now, actually).
Not matter what tricks this lot get up to, to save face, we want McGregor and Bowles out, and if it means insisting that the Welsh Assemble have to move in, then that's that.
What they don't like is their dirty washing being air out in public because they think it will bring the Council into further disrepute. On the Contrary, it would show, at long last, that the Council is prepared to route out the wrong one's, enhancing it's reputation in the bargain.
19: 45
Your quite right about one thing, Cllr Durkin was set up, but it was by that slime ball McGregor, and he will reap exactly what he deserves.
The big man takes no prisoners, certainly not in politics anyway.
To those who dare insult Cllr Schofield.
Cllr Schofield has and still is one of the finest Representative of the People one could have ever wished for, and to sully his name in such a way, is nothing less than shameful and which ever gutless Anon you are, go get some treatment
Did you go to school? Can't understand a word you've written.
To those who dare insult Cllr Schofield.
Reminds me of something Mr David (Nasty) Bowles's enjoys doing.
OMG did someone dare critise Cllr Schofield, isn't he like the Godfather of Anglesey or something?
or something
Now you see him, now you don't.
The Photon reports that McGregor's not going after all.
Who got leaned on by who, and why? Both to make him hand in his notice, and then to make him withdraw it.
Fun round here innit. If you like your council to look like a laughing stock, that is.
What's with all these groups? are they working against each other, I suggest they make themselves into one big group and work for the good of the people!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The story behind this story is that was the coup that wasn't.
The attempt to oust CMcG was led by the pipe-puffer, desperate to get back into power (God help us)...leading his poodle JCh by the nose as suggested new Leader...CMcG refused to go (immediately) and DB read the riot act....result, coup failed, and CMCg will remain till May.
So it looks like JCh will be the Leader in May, with a new Exec.
Better than fiction !
Don't bank on it Boys and Girls. If it's found that McGregor has lied about Carl Sergeant he 'll have to go, if not the council will be proving itself endemically untrustworthy, and who in their right mind would want an bear faced liar as the leader of a Council?
"who ... would want an bear faced liar ..."
Now would that be Biffo, Yogi, Baloo or one of the 'Hair Bears'?
Sorry, just couldn't resist the urge.
There is a photo of CMcG with this blogpost. His face doesn't look bear-like to me.
Isn't it time that this Anon (14.50) stopped trundling his opinions as if they are fact?
14.26......is it true that BO will be Deputy Leader......and the pipe puffer back in EcDev ?
The last person we want back in any power is the pipe puffer...he is thoroughly discredited, of his own making....and JCh will be his puppet, make no mistake !!
19.32 a long missive, but whatsit got to do with the price of fish ??
BD is a non-entity, lets move on.
Clive McGregor has been used by Bowles to merge Anglesey with Gwynedd.
Apart from signing off the merging two authorities planning departments, what other clandestine deals will be agreed or other power ceded to Gwynedd?
This guy needs to be watched.
Oh 20:42.
He's been watched don't you worry about that. Unfortunately not close enough though.
Get your facts right. The Planning policy sections have been merged, not the whole department. Huge difference. Although in time, probably likely.
I hope the man gets found out and charged with bringing the Council into disrepute and turning Anglesey into a laughing stock.
CMcG is not the culprit, ignore the ignorant falsehoods of the likes of BD and his sick ilks...he is toast....NO...there are others, who still aspire to power, and further destruction....the pipe-puffer and some hangers on....
At last the decision is made?
The new Leader of the Council will be Shrek, with Donkey as his Deputy.
This came about on a majority vote by the fairy tale creatures with the new Managing Director being farce-quar.
That's providing no-one finds out that Ginger Bread Man is now legless.
What is it you have been caught out doing.
19.51....exposing BD as a destructive, sick and useless entity, perhaps....move on !
Have you just escaped from somewhere or are you on day release with a handler?
Exposing BD as a destructive..... Perhaps..
What do you mean Perhaps? You either have or you haven't. I think it's you who's sick and useless.
What have you ever done for anyone, Eh? MOVE ON.
Clive McGregor, Ex-island chief speaks out:
"I couldn't take Crisis council's rows any longer".
Stop moaning old boy, Its all your own making, what about those you abused and told lies about. what about their families? Don't wait until May. Go now, were sick of you.
Anon 11:39
Rather pathetic excuse for humanity eh old boy?
I think it is you we are sick of, time for you to shut up.
Now put that in your pipe and smoke it!
Is Durkin the only Councillor to post on this Blog.......are there not others, anon ??
I'm certain there are.
To the "WHAT A LOT OF IDIOTS", Anon at 18:25.
"Councillor Durkin was banging his drum about corruption, Bad Leadership and the inefficient County Council long before our current leader became a councillor".
You say he is 'Spot On' . If he is Spot On about corruption then he alleges The Law Has Been Broken. No sound minded 'Elected Representative' would make such an allegation wuthout firm proof and evidence. We have heard the drum for years but we have never ever seen any evidence..that is Spot On Too !
On the piss again I see. Well past any sensible persons bed time.
This site has published the name of one councillor more tyan any other. The particular councillor is a a fine, if not overweight, figure of a man. He chose to leave this islnad community and move to the mainland.
I liken Anglesey-Wales to Sicily-Italy. Now what we could do with is some (more) powerful members to replace the weaker ones, men who can make a just and fair decision
from which benefit, gain and profit can be made and felt.
We do not have to go all the way to Italy of course, people of that stature will ultimately make their way to us. Has it already begun ?
18.36 Durkin Fan Club Bollocks, again !
Cllr Durkin Fan Club.......Again.
Cllr Barrie Durkin may have left the Island to live, but you will still find him with his constituents most days in Benllech, which is more than can be said for most of the others.
As for the bigoted tripe we see from 19:22. You must be hurting quite a lot.
You should have put your name to that one Councillor....nothing wrong with a bitof self praise eh!
The whole fan club met tonight in the Llanbergoch telephone box, sadly there was room for more
More than hurting. 19:54. Absolutely psychotic, I would say.
This Post is No "180" on this item-
Is that the "Winning Shot" to knock McGregor out of the Competition ??
Anything and everything written under Anon, is meaningless. If you wish to give any sort of credibility to what you write, put a name to it and don't be such a coward.
What is needed at the Council is a new MD, and a new leadership based on the Druids Manifesto.
If the amount of nasty and abusive comments appearing on your Blog is anything to go by, I'm amazed, with so many scum-bags to contend with, there is anyone left on Anglesey, who would be daft enough to be a councillor. Maybe its something to do with the water.
Have a nice day.
16.26.........maybe we should be governed instead by a DICTATOR....how about the happy pipe-puffer from up-North ??
Barrie Durkins the people's choice and the people's man, the sooner Carl Sargeant gets his head around it the better, we don't want another lapdog, we want an honest man who wants to cause as much trouble as possible to hound the idiots out.
Barry DISASTER Durkin !
Clive Titanic Mcgregor 0
Barrie The Iceberg Durkin 1
22.51 Very Good mate.
At least I sing
"Mae Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau" - Land of my Fathers NOT
"Inno di Mameli" - Canto degli Italiani !!
What's the Italian National Anthem, got to do with the price of fish? Or are you trying tell us something else of a racist nature?
23.31 What has Fish got to do with Anglesey County Council? Or is there something (secret) going on at the Anglesey CC Fish Dock in Holyhead?
Funny that the 20.57 did not get tagged on to the 23.56, perhaps that gives us a clue as to who typed the 23.56
"Funny that the 20:57 did not get tagged on to the 23:56"
What are you talking about man?
Anon at 10:57.
Don't waste your time. There's no good knocking if there's nothing there.
Anglesey's Watergate gets exposed?
Trouble maker, David Bowles,and John Arthur Jones, caught out in a conspiracy to undermine Councillors and the Democratic System.
Private correspondence to David Bowles and attacks on councillors, all now being unearthed.
See over on Photon.
So that's why David Bowles attacks our Councillor's on a regular basis?
Sounds to much like, The Enemy With In, for my liking.
Stop winging you'll give Anglesey a bad name.
16th 23.31 Are you stupid or what??
The most beautiful (Welsh) lady in the world sings beautiful Italian words, Katherine you are gorgeous. Similarly Bryn Terfel is so powerful when he sings in Italian. So where are you coming from bro? are you one of the nast anger stirrers????
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