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Shane Williams en route to try number 53. Photo source: BBC |
Great to see Wales finally get back into winning ways after an eight game drought against New Zealand (three games), South Africa (two games), Australia, Fiji (draw) and England. Equally good to see Shane Williams cross the tryline twice -- bringing his tally to a whopping 53 tries in the Wales jersey.
Shane Williams supports the yes for wales campaign -do you?
It must be all those knocks to the head.
People the world over seem to be running with the ball in the hope of getting to the 'Democracy' touchline. As the public demand for democratic government gathers pace in the Arab world, as it has on other continents, who knows where next. Maybe the next big frontier will be the public demanding the democratization and accountability of multi-national companies, industries and banks!
(sorry a bit off thread, but I don't know much about the game).
Thank you for the boost, wouldn't it be wonderful if we had more of these.
Fed up of hearng about it, it'll dominate the welsh news all week, haven't they got anything better to report, maybe that's why we're a backward nation we focus too much on cr*p
I have to agree with you there, but a bit of good news is handy, at least it makes us feel as if we have won something, we might lose every game now, but we won...something.
"People the world over seem to be running with the ball in the hope of getting to the 'Democracy' touchline."
Yes, and in Egypt they got rid of a dictator and got that well know bastion of democracy....
Known as a Military Junta
Great result that.
I know it was really funny, when Cameron was going on about it, I was shouting at the telly, never mind fucking Egypt, what about our Country!
Yes Anonymous 19.20 & 21.25...AND what about Ynys Mon Council's Dictator ????
Real dictators being deposed in the arab countries with others looking on with trepidation and the fool at 21. 36 thinks it's the same here!!
Probably 'cos he's got some minor little grievance that's of no consequence to joe public. Ah well, takes all sorts I suppose.
There is no democracy at Anglesey County Council thats why the people are suffering so much.
Junta Bowles is in Charge.
Obsessed. Shame.
Best way to improve the performance of the council ... cut all salaries by 50% this year and 50% next year. And keep cutting until council taxes start to go down.
There is no skill in running any organization that depends upon ever increasing revenues in the form of council taxes.
May I recommend this blog post for a well balanced take on the coming referendum:
Bowles is only civil servant; but why is John Chorltn still councillor? he was sacked. is he retiring?
You can't sack a Councilor He/She is elected by the People to represent them at the Council, even if Junta's McGregor and Bowles think they can.
17.38; ok so when can the people have an election to see back of the big mouth?
May, 2012.
@18.31 but he will still be there because people will still vote for him like sheep
Tomorrows News Papers.
Press Release from Anglesey County Council's Group Leaders set to bring Bowles and McGregor down where they belong.
Todays Daily Post.
Crisis Council Coalition sealed?
Same old crap just in a different wrapper.
BOB PARRY AS LEADER. JOHN CHORLTON AS DEPUTY LEADER. McGregor to stay as Leader till May? What a load of shit.
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