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Gareth Jones |
I am sure that Mr Jones is extremely competent, but I question why every single Commissioner is a public sector retiree well past the peaks of their careers (indeed one of whom previously stepped down citing ill health)?
Surely if we are to make this latest intervention into Anglesey County Council a success a more diverse range of backgrounds and specialities is necessary? For example, one of the three Commissioners sent into failing Doncaster council was Julie Kenny, a business woman and entrepreneur. I would have thought that considering the problems at Anglesey County Council, a number of Commissioners with management consultancy and accountancy skills would be most appropriate.
Unfortunately the current intervention is beginning to look more and more like a gravy train rather than a serious attempt to send in the most suitable and best qualified people to turn around a failing council.
UPDATE: The fifth and final Commissioner will be Margaret Foster, former Chief Executive of Cwm Taf NHS Trust. She retired last year.
Management consultants and accountants .... oh yes, what a good idea.
Managements consultants like those that advised numerous governments on the benefits of 'light touch regulation' in the banking sector. And accountants like those that advised WAG the best way to bring jobs to Wales was to provide enormous subsidies to companies like Samsung.
Not so many management consultants or accountants to be found in Japanese companies. I wonder why not.
Haven't we learnt anything over the last fifteen year?
I wonder if Digby Jones might be available, just the man to put some ooomph into this sad lot that they are appointing at the moment.
KP - I worked in Japan for 6 years and can assure you that you will find many management consultants and accountants working in Japanese companies.
Also, I think you will find that it is 'economists' not 'accountants' who advise governments on policy.
Paul, I think I have made my point.
Successful countries are full of successful companies. And these successful companies are not led or even guided by management consultants or accountants. They are led and guided by visionaries, engineers, technologists, scientists, people who can do.
Consultants and accountants can't do, so they teach!
And as for Japan, I think you will agree the nature of such roles is entirely different to here in Wales.
As an economist myself I have to say I am all in favour of economists being appointed Anglesey Commissioners - and at £500 a day I don't mind letting it be known that I am available. :-)
Anyway on the main issue:- the new Commissioner Gareth Jones AM.
Would this be, by any chance, the same Gareth Jones who alleged (totally without any foundation) that Llandudno Hospital was to "downgraded" ?
Is this the same Gareth Jones who "won" the 2007 election by cajoling the Electoral Commission into allowing him to put the strapline "Save Llandudno Hospital" against his name on the ballot paper (even though the hospital clearly didn't need saving)? (By the way Gareth Jones DIDN'T actually "win" the Assembly seat he holds. The 2007 Electoral Commission report concedes that this constituency had - in effect been "gifted" to Plaid Cymru in the boundary review .)
Is this also - by any chance - same Gareth Jones who was then accused by the Labour Party of "dishonest scaremongering"?
And is the same Gareth Jones who has been known to blame others for his misfortunes - like when he was deservedly kicked out of the Assembly by the voters of Conwy in 2003, but claimed it was all the fault of the post office for not delivering his election literature?
If he is indeed the same person then I think we should be told whether he is a Freemason and whether he now proposes to drop his membership of Plaid Cymru?
At it again I see. Your never happy unless your criticizing. Keep taking the Tablets and go back to bed we Don't want to hear your apathy any more.
He's there so that IWJ can get an inside line on what's going on.
Thanks for that info, I gets worse by the day, doesn't it Carly Boy?
Not another lick are twat thats made a miraculous recovery from ill health, surely? The place is sick enough as it is.
If I were the Councillors, I would walk out and leave the tossers to sort it out all on their own. That would knacker them up good style.
I think we have all been outfoxed by Carl and Ieuan, these commissioners are all yes men, and are totally afraid of any confrontation by the people.
They have a hot line to the battle bus for reinforcements, but alas, no-one wants to come up here and make Ieuan look a fool. We have the election soon, and Plaid Cymru as well as Labour want a lid on this Council, unfortunately, they did not consult the Conservatives and they forgot the main victims of this Council, yes, you're right, they forgot all about us.
If these Commissioners are so highly thought of by Carl Sargeant, then we should intervene by collating a "Manifesto" such as the "People's Manifesto" and write down issues that we feel need looking at, if they see the amount of work in front of them, they might call it a day before they get stuck into their custard creams and tea. sorry mini swiss roll and tea ( redacted custard creams as they are too hard for the elderly)
Commissioners Manifesto, the dawn of Anglesey..
Gareth Jones has just given me a hundred lines.
I will not blog on the Druid when I should be working.
There's loads of stuff about this headmaster, and his opinion about planning makes interesting reading, let's see if he looks into planning matters on this Island???http://www.newssniffer.co.uk/articles/79411/diff/0/1
Not going to stand again, retiring through ill health is it?
Not to ill to come and take £500 a day from the people of Anglesey. Parasite comes to mind
Go home boys, your out of your depth and here by default.
We have enough parasites with baggage as it is without you and yours as well.
You can hire a top class pro for £500 a day, but Carl Sargeant chose to pimp us out his coffin dodgers instead.
The residents of Anglesey should sue IoACC's Executive for dereliction of duty.
They are insured against such claims and it's about time we made them pay for their mistakes.
Lets not lose site of who it was among others who created the straw that broke Carl Sargeant's back.
Earlier this year our Plaid AM IWJ and the Labour MP, Albert Owen, both involved themselves in encouraging a number of Councillors to mount a power struggle to get rid of Clive McGregor.
As Clive McGregor had shown himself to be discredited as a Leader, one would say nothing wrong in that. However; If Carl Sargeant wants to use that issue as a whipping stick, I do not see where Carl Sargeant has attacked these instigator as with the Councillors, sort of Double Standards again.
I think when we talk about the Quality of Councilors we have, we should also attribute sentiment that to our AM and MP also.
"Haven't we learnt anything over the last fifteen year?"
I think the main lesson is that whoever you vote for, in the UK the management consultants and beancounters (generic term for economists AND accountants) always get in, and whilst their ideas may be good for other consultants and beancounters, they are rarely good for ordinary honest working (retired, whatever) folk.
First against the wall when the revolution comes.
Wrt Big Accountants and Big Banksters: have a read of
Carl Sargeant should appoint a corruption Czar to sort them out.
Blame is always apportioned to Councillors, when in fact they have very influence on the day to day running of the Council.
Heads of Department and Senior Officers should also accept responsibility and made accountable for their actions.
In my school, I was proud to compete at sports day and winning was a bonus.
The five appointed commissioners appear to have the credentials for "also rans" who won prizes for just taking part....apart from Byron Davies.
The stench of political thank you's is disgraceful and apart from Byron Davies ( who at least has a decent track record) don't expect more from the other four; they are just spies for Carl Sargeant and Ieuan Wyn Jones.
At last.
According to todays BBC News Councillor Barrie Durkin's common sense requests to the Minister Carl SargeantAM, has been final accepted, culminating in the termination of Mr David Bowes as the Interim Managing Director and the relegation of Clive McGregor along with his Executive to the proverbial broom Cupboard.
So are we now going to see, real change? The Recovery Board in their long awaited, (some may say hidden until forced) January report say:
" The Board should be supported by staff, external to the authority, who will identify issues for discussion and provide evidence to be used in reviewing and challenging decisions. There may be some financial provision in the Council's own budget for training and corporate renewal."
"The Board and the Council (with the involvement of the Electoral Commission and the main political parties as appropriate) should develop a clear strategy and set of actions to support democratic renewal."
"An end date should be agreed with David Bowles and search for a new interim chief executive should begin now. The power to appoint a chief executive should remain with the Minister, and consideration should be given to withdrawing th power also to appoint statutory officers. This would enhance the seriousness of the intervention."
"Better and more dedicated support should be provided in council and committee meetings to ensure adherence to procedure and guarantee that all members are fairly heard".
"If this approach does not succeed over a six month period the natural next stage would be the formal withdrawal of executive functions from the Council".
Following that report in January and the intervention of IWJ and Albert Owen to help a power struggle against the incumbent Leader and his Executive, Carl Sargeant decided to take no notice of the Recovery Boards Recommendation and sent the commissioner in instead?
It seems that we have now got two problems, an incompetent Council full of inept Councillors or we have got incompetent Commissioners in bed with the Councillors trying to run an incompetent Council, both problems with no solutions to help the people.
Is Barrie Durkin going to stand at as an independent for the Welsh Assembly?
I recall he said he would.
Why did Carl Sareagent not implement the Recovery Boards Recommendations of January 2011 instead of bringing in the Welsh Audit Office making fools of the recovery board?
Why was the Recovery Boards report and recommendation of January 2011 with held for the Councillors?
Why were the 30 Councillors involved in forming a new group to run the council after Clive McGregor announced he was standing down in May, not told of the recommendations of the Recovery Board?
This all smacks of Carl Sargeant and his crony's not liking the fact that a way forward was in the making, because it did not fit in with the real agenda. Amalgamation?
"I recall he said he would"
Please show us where he said that?
PS, AT 09:59.
And jobs for the Boy's and Girl.
Barrie to stand as AM, I thought he was going to stand against Albert - not sure what happened?
From Anglesey News October 2009 -"Councillor Durkin recently declared that he was going to stand against Albert Owen MP in the forthcoming General Election..."
Sorry don't have it on tape
Seems Barrie has more sense, after all he is 65, and has probably forgotten more about what representing the people is really all about than most off the others have ever known.
One of the Main problems at Anglesey County Council, apart from the lack of honesty and integrity, is to many Councillors put their Political ambitions above representing the People.
And some have put their financial ambitions first.
The Sergeant of Justice should have appointed Commissioner Gordon and Batman and not the Three Pensioneers.
If you work for IoACC and wish to report white collar crime, then please do not hesitate to call the Police.
Their lines are open 24/7.
They have been called MANY times and guess what happens?
There as bent as the Bastards at the Council.
Costs of Carl Sargeant's jobs for the Boys Intervention fiasco now running at £3,660 per day + expenses and believe me, "I'm not a WAG crony" just a good friend of, come-to help Anglesey County Council clean it's image up? Bullshit.
If your not satisfied with the local CID then go to Police Complaints and present them with the evidence.
If these commissioners are here for a holiday and a means to top up their bank account and retirement pension pot, then they had better start working.
The crisis, that has brought them in, and it was a crisis, and not just political infighting, bordered on anarchy and extremism by a few, agsinst the majority. A rotten Council against the decent people of Anglesey.
Will the commissioners be strong enough to face and tackle the problems we have here? do they have delegated powers to investigate the wrongdoings?
Or, is it a case of bury the truth, hide the complaints and carry on with the same old shit!
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